Thursday, July 11, 2019

Book Creator

Congratulations! You've finished your video and now you're going to create a book that will help others with the process of forgiving people who have hurt them.

Go to the website and sign in as a teacher using my msecholsteachesstudents login and password. Create a book that can help someone with the process of forgiving someone else.

Book must include:

  • Cover page with title of your book and your name as the author.
  • At least 4 pages with an image on each page.
  • Information from the book Restart on how at least two characters have forgiven another character. (How were they feeling about the character at first? What made them change their feelings about the character? How do you know they've forgiven that person (how do they act towards them? what do they say? how do they feel now?)

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Flipgrid Discussion Posts

Click on the following links and answer the discussion questions:

  1. Which character do you identify with the most? Why do you feel that way?

  1. Do you think bullies can really change? Why or why not?

  1. Shoshanna had a hard time forgiving chase for his past behavior. Have you ever experienced or been in a situation where you found it hard to forgive someone for something they did?